
Journey to a Better You

It's easier to get up if you don't stay down for long!


Working Out

It’s Been a While

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything but of course life goes on :). Time is flying by and it’s almost February of 2017 and my mind is like :0

Even though I haven’t posted I’ve been thinking of things to address every now and then; things I see in this world and how the world has a lot of people fooled. The promises that being a skinny woman or buff man will make your life better, people will love you more, or that you can have what ever you want are a few things I can think of now. It’s all a big lie.

I can testify personally that losing weight and being smaller can boost your confidence but I can’t promise that you’ll get the girl or the guy you’ve been wanting or have the life that the fairy tales promised you.

What I can say is that for me personally I have enjoyed comparing pictures of the past me and the me today. However, the one they don’t talk about when you lose weight is keeping it off :[ Who thought this would all be over after losing the weight? I did!! lol subconsciously honestly.

Keeping the weight off is another subject in itself, prayfully we’ve all learned what things to avoid and what good habits to adopt.

I hope to be consistent in these posts and working out, and encourage someone to take a step that they thought they couldn’t! <—  a lot of “T’s” 🙂

Denver, CO


Lesson For The Day

In case you ever think about giving up on your plans for the day I have a recent example of why it’s best just to keep going 🙂

I’ve been committed to working out at the gym three days a week; this is something I know I can do and I know I can stick to. A few months ago I decided that in order for me not to grow tired of going to the gym all the time and using the same machines I would take a weight lifting class three times a month just on Saturdays. Well today is Saturday of course and I was planning on going to my weightlifting class. It starts at 11:30 and usually I try to be out of the bed and dressed by 11, the gym is not far from my house. This week it’s been harder to get out of bed for work and of course this carried over into my Saturday. It was so hard getting out of bed this morning that I knew I was going to be late. It was already 11:15 and I wasn’t even dressed. Thoughts like “I might as well forget it, too many people will be there and I won’t have a spot, and I hate being late” were already flying across my mind. Thank the Lord I said aloud “No I’ll go anyway, I hope I won’t be too late” so I got dressed, grabbed a breakfast bar for fuel and darted out the door. I prayed “Lord please let me get there safely and at a good time.” 🙂 Well I got there at record time, right at 11:30 considering that I left the house right at 11:21. I run in the gym, check in, grab a towel, put my bag in a locker, and walk up the stairs. I turn to look in the classroom and to my surprise class didn’t start yet and there weren’t very many people in class that day! I was so excited that God gave me favor, that I stayed committed and stuck to my decision to workout. The reason class was late was because the instructor was trying to get the microphone to work. This gave me plenty of time to get in class, find my spot, grab my weight gear, and get set up.

It pays off to stay committed to your plan and not give up. If I didn’t go to work out God would’ve still loved me and I would’ve been okay, but I’m so glad I worked out and didn’t give in to those negative thoughts.

Lesson: even when your own mind tells you to throw in the towel because of opposition or when things don’t go as planned; you can still rise and go forward and it will pay off.

Stay encouraged!

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