
Journey to a Better You

It's easier to get up if you don't stay down for long!



It’s Been a While

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything but of course life goes on :). Time is flying by and it’s almost February of 2017 and my mind is like :0

Even though I haven’t posted I’ve been thinking of things to address every now and then; things I see in this world and how the world has a lot of people fooled. The promises that being a skinny woman or buff man will make your life better, people will love you more, or that you can have what ever you want are a few things I can think of now. It’s all a big lie.

I can testify personally that losing weight and being smaller can boost your confidence but I can’t promise that you’ll get the girl or the guy you’ve been wanting or have the life that the fairy tales promised you.

What I can say is that for me personally I have enjoyed comparing pictures of the past me and the me today. However, the one they don’t talk about when you lose weight is keeping it off :[ Who thought this would all be over after losing the weight? I did!! lol subconsciously honestly.

Keeping the weight off is another subject in itself, prayfully we’ve all learned what things to avoid and what good habits to adopt.

I hope to be consistent in these posts and working out, and encourage someone to take a step that they thought they couldn’t! <—  a lot of “T’s” 🙂

Denver, CO


Your Weight ≠ Your Value

What the scale says shouldn’t determine your value and worth. Why should something that changes define someone?

I understand we want to be at a healthy weight but not all of us will be at the same weight, so why should we allow something that is different for each of us define all of us?

Who says that 115lbs. is beautiful or 135lbs. is the best weight? I believe that we should base our value on something will not change, something that no matter how we feel, look, or what anyone else says will speak the truth.

Of course I believe our worth and value should come from God’s Word; He says we are fearfully and wonderfully made, the apple of His eye, and His masterpiece in Christ Jesus.

I want you to know that we’ve have allowed the world to lie to us and deceive us into thinking that our weight defines and determines our worth. We are worth more- MUCH MORE- than what numbers on a scale says.

Stay encouraged!! 🙂

We are fearfully and wonderfully made – Psalms 139:14 NKJV

We have been made in such a wonderful way – Psalms 139:14 ERV

We are His masterpiece – Ephesians 2:10 NLT

We are the apple of His eye – Psalms 17:8 NKJV

We are made in God’s image – Genesis 1:27 NKJV

We are precious in His sight and are loved by God – Isaiah 43:4 NJKV

We are not forgotten – Isaiah 44:10 NJKV

Remember: You’re Farther

If you ever feel discouraged during your journey to a better you, remember you’re much farther than where you started!!

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