
Journey to a Better You

It's easier to get up if you don't stay down for long!



It’s Been a While

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything but of course life goes on :). Time is flying by and it’s almost February of 2017 and my mind is like :0

Even though I haven’t posted I’ve been thinking of things to address every now and then; things I see in this world and how the world has a lot of people fooled. The promises that being a skinny woman or buff man will make your life better, people will love you more, or that you can have what ever you want are a few things I can think of now. It’s all a big lie.

I can testify personally that losing weight and being smaller can boost your confidence but I can’t promise that you’ll get the girl or the guy you’ve been wanting or have the life that the fairy tales promised you.

What I can say is that for me personally I have enjoyed comparing pictures of the past me and the me today. However, the one they don’t talk about when you lose weight is keeping it off :[ Who thought this would all be over after losing the weight? I did!! lol subconsciously honestly.

Keeping the weight off is another subject in itself, prayfully we’ve all learned what things to avoid and what good habits to adopt.

I hope to be consistent in these posts and working out, and encourage someone to take a step that they thought they couldn’t! <—  a lot of “T’s” 🙂

Denver, CO


Be Consistent

Consistency is key as they say. I do believe that consistency is important for your goals. We expect that we can do one good thing one time and have lifetime results. How wrong we are. You can’t brush your teeth only one time and expect to have minty breath the rest of your life. Losing weight or living a healthy lifestyle is also the same. We can’t eat one healthy meal or avoid bad food one time on one day then expect to have results six months later.

I know it’s hard to give up the bad habits for good ones, especially when your body craves french fries when you should have salad. We have to make the sacrifice at sometime. A helpful tip I can give you is to start off slow but be consistent with it. If you want to start walking how about parking farther in the parking lot, but make sure it’s a safe distance of course. Or you can even start by having less soda each day. Once you start giving your healthy good habits a chance it will allow room for additional good habits.

Keep it up, it helps you more than you realize right now that your consistency will lead to results you can see in the future.

Intro to “3 P” Principle

During this weight loss journey I was introduced to a principle that was really important to me and spoke to me throughout the time. I call it the “3 P” Principle.

This was the principle that started me off and got me through the tough times, the ups, downs and plateaus of my workout.

3 p


All three are very important; for my journey I couldn’t have started it without praying and letting God get into my situation, I couldn’t have continued on this journey without being persistent and I know I wouldn’t have seen results if I gave up, and I know that if I never was patient and stayed positive even when the scale didn’t move all of this would have backfired.

I will go in depth with each one but for getting started these three things will be so helpful.

Honestly I can also add consistency to the list; keep going to the gym and keep eating healthy. Consistency is a tool and resource to see change, the more consistent you are the more likely you will see results.

Keep up the good work

It’s helping more than you realize!

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